SINCE 1972
Golf Courses

Golf course superintendents continue to be challenged by our industry. With the demand for top quality products and reduction in budgets. With new environmental hurdles, superintendents have relied on Agra Turf Inc. to continue searching and marketing brands that bring not only agronomic value, but also economic and environmental value.
Agra Turf Inc. recognizes your challenges and prides itself on working very hard to provide solutions. For over 42 years our company values have always been to look for solutions, not just providing a distribution service. And because of this consistent challenge we put on our company. Agra Turf Inc. has been a leader in the Mid-South United States Golf market. We believe in exceeding your expectations through integrity, customer focus, accountability, and innovation.
Agra Turf Inc. and its partners will continue to strive hard to earn your patronage. Through our commitment to provide value-added solutions, our account managers will work hard to solve both your agronomic challenges, yet also your budgetary challenges.